The time to prepare your cooling system for operation is now. As warmer weather approaches, it’s crucial to ensure that the process of running a cool home starts smoothly and continues without interruption. Here are some tips on preparing your cooling system for operation:
Check Your Vents
First, check all air vents in the house. If they are clogged with dust or pet hair, clean them out before turning on the A/C unit. This will help keep allergens and debris from circulating through your home and being recirculated by the cooling system. It will also help improve energy efficiency and increase the lifespan of your system!
Replace Filters
Before you turn on your A/C unit, be sure to ensure all your air filters are cleaned out before the system runs. Dirty filters can cause more problems than just the visible dirt, they can also cause mold and bacteria growth, possibly leading to respiratory illnesses like asthma and allergies.
Keep Up With Maintenance Checks
Here at Dave’s Cooling and Heating, we take careful measures to ensure the lifespan of your system. During our maintenance process, we will:
- Maximize Your Energy Efficiency: We’ll ensure that your system runs at its most efficient, which will cut down on your utility bills.
- Ensure That Your System Is Running At Its Best: Having a unit run at its best means consistent cooling and a system that works as needed.
- Help Prevent Unexpected Repairs: Keeping your unit maintained and catching any issues early will help decrease the number of unexpected repairs.
- Extend The Lifespan Of Your Unit: Prevention of system issues and breakdowns extend the unit lifespan.
- Uphold Your Warranties: Most warranties require that you have documented maintenance at least annually. If you do not, you could void your warranty altogether.
- Provide Reminders: When it’s time for your unit’s regular maintenance, we will call to remind you and schedule your appointment. Never worry about a missed maintenance call again!
AC Maintenance in Frederick
To learn more about the details of a maintenance plan at Dave’s Cooling & Heating, talk to one of our representatives today. You’ll receive peace of mind knowing that your system will be well cared for and less likely to leave you in a lurch when you need it most.